Delight your customers, consistently

Unlock staff potential
Consistent service development

Improve sales

People are great. They want to succeed, and they want to improve. Once giving them tools, awareness, and service parameters, customer experience and sales will be improved. Always

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Branding consistency

One of branding’s key values to a customer is ‘knowing what to expect’. Having a consistent service experience, no matter on which store of the chain you are in, is a significant part of that

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Training tools

Managers receive on a daily basis, short videos from CCTV recording, notifying excellent/ need to improve incidents (based on management definitions). These videos are automatically stored and labeled for training purposes

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Unbiased staff valuation

Over 90% of retailers, evaluate their in-store teams mainly based on sales results. This leads to a ‘Halo effect’, which is a biased evaluation that relates to the store location. Yedda system creates unbiased valuation that present each of the ‘pre-sales’ activities, based on pre-determined ‘weights’ set by management

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Utilization as a tool

Having an optimized ‘Customers Per Staff ratio’, is an important factor to level service on all your stores. It leads to consistency in service level, better financial results in peak times, and better cost effective planning at the macro level

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- Albert Einstein -